Duties and Taxes
Duties and taxes are assessed based on specific information about the individual objects in your shipment.
The seller provides Arta information about the type of object, value, material, creator, creation year, country of origin and the global Harmonized Schedule code used as an international standard of classification.
Value is the total amount, including fees listed on your purchase invoice.
This information from the seller is provided at export and import. The importing customs authority will use them to assess the appropriate fees.
US MPF and Bond
For shipments imported into the US, there are two other fees you may expect, MPF and Bond.
The Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) is a fee collected by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to process merchandise and is based on the value of the merchandise being imported. As of August 2024, US Merchandise Processing Fee is 0.3464%. The minimum fee shall not be less than $31.67 and shall not exceed $614.35.
A Customs Bond is a way of guaranteeing who is responsible for paying duties and taxes for shipments greater than $2,500. A Customs bond is a contract between three parties - U.S. Customs, the importer and a surety. Bonds at Arta are rated at $2.50 per $1,000 of declared value; min $25 / max $750.